Repairer of the Breach Youth and Prison Ministry Inc.

Meet the Team
Repairer of the Breach team Directors
Get to Know Us
Our mission is to unite victims and their families to their communities through Christ Jesus. We believe that all people have an opportunity to repent. True repentance shows evidence of the love and work of the Holy Spirit. If you tell me you have faith we want to see the evidence of change in your life. The Spirit did it for us how much more can He do for you! Amen...!

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Through the power of the Holy Spirit our Lord Jesus was resurrected and now is enthroned in heaven.The bible states that the same power lives in us if we believe.So to believe can be such a simple yet profound thing. The human mind puts bounderies and limits on Gods power in our lives.We try to understand Him and think that with our intelect we can reach Him.Well I have great news for you!You dont have to be a genuis to find God!Now He is inviting you and all His children that believe to walk with Him.He has a great future predestined for us and a gift of eternal life in His Son. We all like free stuff right!? What will you lose to taste life and become a better man or woman.Dont take my word for it,TRY IT! He saved me from from a living hell on earth and a hell that could of been eternal.With programs and ministries we can reach out but the true power of this is His Holy Spirit that revealed the mystery and is now available to you in a HOLY BIBLE=He.Only.Left.You.Basic.Instructions.Before.Leaving.Earth...Use it and God Bless you all from the top of your heads to the bottom of your feet.Shalom.
How we came about...
Alfredo Gonzales ,I came from a life of violence, drugs and learned discipline through the hard knocks of TYC and street gangs then moved my way into prison where i was left with no choice in my mind but to settle for death, But God had a different plan for my life and with my surrender at His mercy and grace I found Jesus Christ. I used to serve a general of flesh and blood and served to the best of my loyalty and committed to the death. So, I did die to the world, and now I share my story on how a King reached His hand for me in the darkest of places to the worst of men and said "Let Me repair your breach Alfredo", facing serious charges with a braided rope wrapped around my neck stuck in Seg in a pair of white boxers and a bible, He spoke to me, Isaiah 58:9-12 and my journey to peace began. Now I am an active member of Calvary Chapel Mission Valley El Paso Texas with God's grace I minister and coordinate for Bridges to Life programs in El Paso, Texas as an Approved Volunteer for TDCJ prisons system and Approved Volunteer for New Mexico Prison System. My mission is to share the Holy Spirit through the testimony that our Lord Jesus Christ has placed in my hands to reach out to those young kids and adults that have lost hope. That there is hope and there is a Way, Truth and Life in Him who is Love and Power! Not to encourage crime or condone it but to unite the lost, the rejected and addicts to their families and their communities through the greatest relationship man has ever seen. 2nd Timothy 1:7 "For I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and love and of sound mind." The great apostle Paul says in1Thess. 5:2 For you know yourselves that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night, "So like a thief in the night we strive to take souls away from the cutches of the enemy and return their gaze upon their King above all kings Jesus Christ. Amen.

Walk in Faith as Jesus commanded Peter, he knows you have what it takes to walk on water. Mathew 14:28 Peter asks Jesus "if its you Lord tell me to come to you on the water."29"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me."... he was the only one to walk on water and he was the only one to sink. But he always bounced back and never quit. We can learn lots from Peter.
We are a Non Profit Organization that is tax exempt and operates on donations only by the grace of God and His faithful stewards here on earth. We thank you for your support and dedication to continue to take the Word of God to the darkest places of the earth!